InUX CollectivebyMatej LatinHow my dream design job turned into a nightmareOr why you should quit your dead-end job before it’s too lateFeb 28, 202431Feb 28, 202431
Huli日本軟體工程師的薪水如何?到底值不值得去?前陣子被邀請去一個讀書會分享自己在日本的心得感想,以及日本軟體工程師產業的現況,就有順便整理了不少資料,想說那不如就寫一篇來分享。Mar 3, 20243Mar 3, 20243
InAAPD — As A Product Designerby陳亭勻 (Selena)【百工圖】PM的薪水有多少?產品經理與專案經理經驗談 (中)PM的薪資、職涯發展路徑與養成方式一次揭露!Jun 7, 20183Jun 7, 20183
InSalesforce DesignerbyRyan Scott10 Questions You Should Ask in a UX InterviewInterviewing your interviewer is critical in determining whether a design job is the right fit for you, tooJun 2, 20154Jun 2, 20154
InUX CollectivebyGarron EngstromAre there too many designers in the world?How to stand out in a crowded fieldAug 4, 20224Aug 4, 20224
InBootcampbyGarron EngstromThe four phases of a design careerI was recently invited to speak to a couple hundred students at a UC San Diego Cognitive Science Department event. Several other…Mar 20, 202312Mar 20, 202312
Andrea PachecoWhat I Learned as a Product Designer at AppleIn 2021 I landed my dream job. Working at Apple, the holy grail of minimalistic design, innovation and creativity. A place where misfits…Dec 30, 2022218Dec 30, 2022218
InUX CollectivebyChristie TangHow I fast-tracked my product design career outside of workHow do you grow your career if you’re not getting the growth from your work, but you’re not quite ready to leave?May 28, 20223May 28, 20223
TengYuan Chang[筆記] Facebook 資深產品經理聊聊產品與創新今天下午在 Clubhouse 上聽了 Ian 講他在產品經理上的心得和經驗分享,之前在矽谷和紐約的時候就有幸從 Han-Shen, Ian, 和 Albert 幾位學長學到非常多東西,今天聽了這場 Clubhouse 的討論,仍舊是收穫滿滿。以下是這場演講的筆記。Feb 10, 20213Feb 10, 20213
InDesign at MetabyJasmine ChristensenQuestions (and Answers) from Design Interviews at FacebookAt the end of our interviews for Product Design at Facebook, we reserve a few minutes for the candidate to ask questions. It’s one of my…May 23, 201614May 23, 201614
InThe Year of the Looking GlassbyJulie Zhuo7 Reasons to No-Hire a Product Designer (Part 3)Feb 12, 20135Feb 12, 20135
InThe Year of the Looking GlassbyJulie Zhuo7 Reasons to No-Hire a Product Designer (Part I)Jan 23, 20131Jan 23, 20131
InThe Year of the Looking GlassbyJulie Zhuo7 Reasons to No-Hire a Product Designer (Part 2)Jan 28, 20133Jan 28, 20133
InThe Year of the Looking GlassbyJulie ZhuoHow to Impress an InterviewerThe two traits that speak most to future potentialApr 22, 201511Apr 22, 201511
InCake 台灣byJoyce Hsieh【Google Taiwan x CakeResume】招募近 300 筆職缺!你是 Google 要找的人才嗎?Google Taiwan 與 CakeResume 於 3 月 4 日開始正式合作,刊登近 300 筆職缺、大舉網羅台灣的優秀人才!Mar 9, 2022Mar 9, 2022
InPrototyprbyLisa FischerDesign a Winning Portfolio — Tips + Tricks from a Google Designer ✨For all UX + Graphic Designers interested in building a stellar portfolio.May 20, 20198May 20, 20198
InUX PlanetbyPeter JavorkaiUX salary overview 2021 — US editionA couple of weeks ago I’ve published an article about UX salaries in Europe, and it was only a matter of time to finish my research to do…Feb 9, 20212Feb 9, 20212
InGoogle DesignbyJhilmil JainHow to Have a Successful UX Career at Google (Or Anywhere Else)Three mindset-changing tips you won’t learn in design schoolNov 1, 201912Nov 1, 201912
InUX PlanetbyAlipta BallavShould UX and Product Management merge?The Industry is changingAug 8, 20219Aug 8, 20219